How does technology support sustainability in the energy market?

Today, the democratization of the energy market is already a reality. The consumer has more freedom of choice - do I go for green or gray energy - and there is also more than enough supply in terms of suppliers.

Our first blog in the series of 'Trends ft. cutting edge' is about the diversification and sustainability of the energy market and how technology can facilitate this.

A general trend is that people are more aware of the impact of climate change and also want to contribute as much as possible to preserving of our nature.Status quoWhere in the past you hardly had a choice and there were no 'prosumers' or private energy generators yet, there are now numerous possibilities. You have more say in how you deal with your consumption and any generation, and subsystems are gaining momentum.‍

Emerging Trends

On the one hand, there is a marketplace for energy suppliers, where you as a citizen can buy or sell your energy. On the other hand, local exchange, for example with your neighbour, will soon also be possible. This creates a dynamic energy landscape. Especially within cities, where there is a lack of space, energy exchange can be used creatively.

Take a look at apartment buildings now. Place solar panels on top of these buildings, and afterwards the energy calculation can be made within a local, closed group. After all, energy exchange is purely virtual. After doing the math you can answer the questions, who consumes and who produces energy? Then you can see who has to pay, or who is earning. If we deal with this innovatively and develop feasible business models around it, this could be a huge opportunity for our energy system. Technology can be the engine of innovation and create a win-win situation for all stakeholders.

"These new ways of energy distribution are not only good for our Earth, they enable citizens to consciously deal with energy generation or consumption."

Cutting edge

A real cutting edge trend is the so-called local energy communities or microgrids. These are communities cut off from the rest of the energy grid. These communities are self-sufficient. This can work well within a cohousing project, where sustainability and sharing culture are already the basis anyway. These new ways of energy distribution are not only good for our Earth, they enable citizens to consciously deal with energy generation or consumption.

Technology as a tool for sustainability

Technology therefore enables us to meet the increasing energy needs in an innovative way, in combination with ever-increasing flexibility. All this leads to a more sustainable future for people and the Earth, where energy generation and exchange is accessible to everyone.

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